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NumericalDataHorizontal wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor wind radar observations at Kototabang (text format)  
The horizontal wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere (70-110 km) estimated from the meteor wind radar observations at Kototabang, Indonesia (0.20S, 100.32E, 865m MSL). The wind data are calculated from the original observation data with a weighting function. They are stored in the text file named Wk(year)(month).(resolution).txt or Wk(year)(month)(day).(resolution).txt. The resolution abbreviations are h2t60min00, h2t60min30, h4t60min00 and h4t60min30. For example, the h2t60 means weighted average with Gaussian factors over +/-2 km in height and +/-60 minutes in time. The min00 shows that the center of the Gaussian window corresponds to 00 minute of every hour. The intervals of the wind data are every 2 km and 60 minutes. The text file includes year, day of year, time (universal time), height, zonal and meridional winds, standard deviations of zonal and meridional winds, number of meteor trails used to determine the horizontal wind and two internal check values.
Acknowledgement: If you would like to use the following data for scientific purpose, please read and keep the DATA USE POLICY (
ReleaseDate: 2022-04-02T00:00:00
Contact (PrincipalInvestigator):
Toshitaka Tsuda, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, tsuda(at)
Contact (CoInvestigator):
Jon Syafri, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), sir_syafri_john(at)
Contact (TechnicalContact):
Noriko Hashiguchi, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, nhashi(at)
Contact (MetadataContact):
RISH Metadata Management Group, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, iugonet(at)
Availability: Online
Access Rights: Open
Format: Text
Measurement Type: Profile
Time Span:
StartDate: 2002-11-15T15:00:00
StopDate: -P7D
Observed Region: Earth.NearSurface.Mesosphere
Observed Region: Earth.NearSurface.Thermosphere
Observed Region: Earth.NearSurface.EquatorialRegion
Keywords: EARTH SCIENCE Atmosphere Atmospheric Winds Wind Profiles
Name: Meteor wind radar at the Kototabang observatory
Description: The meteor wind radar at Kototabang, Indonesia (0.20S, 100.32E, 865m MSL) has been operated since November 15, 2002, and measures the reflected VHF radio wave from an ionized meteor trail at 70-110 km altitude produced by interaction between a meteorite and the neutral atmosphere. Since the meteor trail drifts following the motion of the ambient neutral atmosphere, radial wind velocity can be determined by using a Doppler signal. Basic parameters of this meteor radar system consist of operating frequency (37.70 MHz), transmitter of peak power (~12 kW), and pulse width (13.3 micro sec). The antenna system is typically composed of three-element Yagis for transmission and five 2-element Yagis for reception. The latter compose an interferometer for accurate determination of echo arrival angle. Details of the meteor wind radar at Kototabang have been found in the paper [Batubara et al., Kototabang - West Sumatera Meteor Radar: System Design and Initial Results of a Large Scale Meteor Echo, The 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Applications, 2011].
Contact (PrincipalInvestigator):
Toshitaka Tsuda, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, tsuda(at)
Contact (CoInvestigator):
Jon Syafri, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), sir_syafri_john(at)
Contact (MetadataContact):
RISH Metadata Management Group, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, iugonet(at)
InstrumentType: Radar
InvestigationName: CPEA (Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere)
Name: Equatorial Atmosphere observatory at Kototabang
Description: The Equatorial Atmosphere observatory at Kototabang is located at the equator in West Sumatra, Indonesia (0.20S, 100.32E, 865m MSL). In this site, various kinds of instruments (for example, boundary layer radar (BLR), equatorial atmosphere radar (EAR) and meteor wind (MW) radar) have been installed, which measure the equatorial atmosphere including the troposphere, lower stratosphere, upper mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere.
Contact (PrincipalInvestigator):
Toshitaka Tsuda, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, tsuda(at)
Contact (MetadataContact):
RISH Metadata Management Group, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, iugonet(at)
ObservatoryRegion: Earth.Surface
CoordinateSystemName: WGS84
Latitude: -0.204
Longitude: 100.320

Observed Data: 

Original Metadata Files:
mwr_ktb_txt.xml: Horizontal wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor wind radar observations at Kototabang (text format)
(Observatory) KTB.xml: Equatorial Atmosphere observatory at Kototabang
(Instrument) MWradar.xml: Meteor wind radar at the Kototabang observatory
(Person) Toshitaka.Tsuda.xml: Toshitaka Tsuda
(Person) John.Syafri.xml: Jon Syafri
(Person) Noriko.Hashiguchi.xml: Noriko Hashiguchi
(Person) RISH.Metadata.Management.Group.xml: RISH Metadata Management Group
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