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64Hz induction magnetometer data for Athabasca in CDF 
64Hz induction magnetometer data for Gakona in CDF 
64Hz induction magnetometer data for Husafell in CDF 
64Hz induction magnetometer data for Istok (near Norilisk) in CDF
64Hz induction magnetometer data for Kapuskasing in CDF 
64Hz induction magnetometer data for Kunigami in CDF
64Hz induction magnetometer data for Lucky Lake in CDF
64Hz induction magnetometer data for Magadan in CDF 
64Hz induction magnetometer data for Moshiri in CDF 
64Hz induction magnetometer data for Paratunka in CDF 
64Hz induction magnetometer data for Sata in CDF 
64Hz induction magnetometer data for Zhigansk in CDF 
CDF data of magnetic field measured at 0.5-sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Aedey, Iceland. 
CDF data of magnetic field measured at 0.5-sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Husafell, Iceland. 
CDF data of magnetic field measured at 0.5-sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Tjornes, Iceland. 
CDF data of magnetic field measured at 20Hz intervals with the induction magnetometer at Syowa Station, Antarctica. 
CDF data of magnetic field measured at 2-sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Aedey, Iceland.
CDF data of magnetic field measured at 2-sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Husafell, Iceland. 
CDF data of magnetic field measured at 2-sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Isafjordur, Iceland. 
CDF data of magnetic field measured at 2-sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Tjornes, Iceland. 
Dynamic Spectra viewer data of 64Hz induction magnetometer data at All Stations (PNG format, Linear Scale) 
Dynamic Spectra viewer data of 64Hz induction magnetometer data at All Stations (PNG format, Logarithmic Scale) 
Magnetic field data with 1sec resolution from the induction magnetometer at Syowa Station, Antarctica.
Magnetic field measured at 0.5sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Aedey, Iceland.
Magnetic field measured at 0.5sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Husafell, Iceland.
Magnetic field measured at 0.5sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Tjornes, Iceland.
Magnetic field measured at 2sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Aedey, Iceland.
Magnetic field measured at 2sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Husafell, Iceland.
Magnetic field measured at 2sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Isafjordur, Iceland.
Magnetic field measured at 2sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Syowa Station, Antarctica.
Magnetic field measured at 2sec intervals with the induction magnetometer at Tjornes, Iceland.
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