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All Sky Imager

All-sky auroral image taken by the Color Digital SLR Camera at Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway. 
All-sky auroral image taken by the Color Digital SLR Camera at Syowa Station, Antarctica. 
All-sky auroral image taken by the Color Digital SLR Camera at Tromso, Norway. 
All-sky auroral image taken by the Electron Auroral Imager 1 (EAI-1) at Syowa Station, Antarctica.
All-sky auroral image taken by the Electron Auroral Imager 1 (EAI-1) at Syowa Station, Antarctica.
All-sky auroral image taken by the Electron Auroral Imager 2 (EAI-2) at Syowa Station, Antarctica.
All-sky auroral image taken by the Electron Auroral Imager 2 (EAI-2) at Syowa Station, Antarctica.
All-sky auroral image taken by the Proton Auroral Imager 1 (PAI-1) at Syowa Station, Antarctica.
All-sky auroral image taken by the Proton Auroral Imager 1 (PAI-1) at Syowa Station, Antarctica.
All-sky auroral image taken by the white-light all-sky camera at Husafell, Iceland. 
All-sky auroral image taken by the white-light all-sky camera at Syowa Station, Antarctica. 
All-sky auroral image taken by the white-light all-sky camera at Tjornes, Iceland. 
All-sky images at 427.8 nm at South Pole Station, Antarctica.
All-sky images at 427.8 nm at South Pole Station, Antarctica.
All-sky images at 557.7 nm at South Pole Station, Antarctica.
All-sky images at 557.7 nm at South Pole Station, Antarctica.
All-sky images at 589.0 nm at South Pole Station, Antarctica.
All-sky images at 589.0 nm at South Pole Station, Antarctica.
All-sky images at 630.0 nm at South Pole Station, Antarctica.
All-sky images at 630.0 nm at South Pole Station, Antarctica.
All-sky images at H-beta 486.1 nm at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.
All-sky images at N2+ 427.8 nm at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.
All-sky images at N2 670.5 nm at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.
All-sky images at Na 589.0 nm, 589.6 nm at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.
All-sky images at O+ 732.0 nm, 732.3 nm at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.
All-sky images at OI 557.7 nm at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.
All-sky images at OI 630.0 nm with long exposure (~45s) at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.
All-sky images at OI 630.0 nm with short exposure (~5s) at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.
All-sky images at OI 777.4 nm at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.
All-sky images at OI 844.6 nm at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.
All-sky images of OH Meinel bands (near infrared) at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.
Basic parameters obtained by the 32m ESR 
Basic parameters obtained by the 42m ESR 
Fabry-Perot Imager Observation at Syowa Station
Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the white-light all-sky imager at Tromso
Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the white-light narrow-field-of-view imager at Tromso
Keogram of aurora at South Pole Station, Antarctica.
Movie in WMV or mp4 format derived from auroral images taken by the white-light all-sky imager at Tromso
Movie in WMV or mp4 format derived from auroral images taken by the white-light narrow-field-of-view imager at Tromso
Observation data taken by the visible all-sky camera at Kototabang (JPEG format) 
Observation data taken by the visible all-sky camera at Shigaraki MU Observatory 
OMTI Airglow Temperature Photometer (ATP) at Kototabang, Indonesia
OMTI Airglow Temperature Photometer (ATP) at Rikubetsu, Japan
OMTI Airglow Temperature Photometer (ATP) at Sata, Japan
OMTI Airglow Temperature Photometer (ATP) at Shigaraki, Japan
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Athabasca
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Darwin
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Haleakala
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Ithaca
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Kototabang
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Magadan
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Paratunka
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Resolute Bay
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Rikubetsu
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Sata
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Shigaraki
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Syowa
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Tromso
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Yonaguni
OMTI Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager (SATI) at Shigaraki, Japan
OMTI Tilting Photometer (TILT1) at Shigaraki, Japan
OMTI Tilting Photometer (TILT2) at Rikubetsu, Japan
OMTI Tilting Photometer (TILT3) at Athabasca, Canada
Pseudo-color all-sky images at South Pole Station, Antarctica.
Pseudo-color all-sky movies at South Pole Station, Antarctica.
Quick look movie of ISEE digital camera imager at Tromso
Quick look plot of ISEE digital camera imager at Tromso
Quick look plot of ISEE photometer at Tromso
Realtime quicklook images taken by the all-sky imager at Sodankyoka, Finland
Realtime quicklook images taken by the all-sky imager at Tromso, Norway 
Summary plot of ISEE photometer at Tromso
Summary plot of ISEE proton imager at Tromso
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