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MF Radar

Horizontal wind measured with MF radar at Syowa Station, Antarctica.
Neutral wind data obtained by the Medium frequency (MF) radar at the EISCAT Tromso radar site
Observation data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere taken by the MF radar at Pameungpeuk (binary format)
Profiles of electron density 1day average with MF radar at Poker Flat, Alaska.
Profiles of electron density 1day average with MF radar at Wakkanai, Japan.
Profiles of electron density 1day average with MF radar at Yamagawa, Japan.
Profiles of electron density 30min average with MF radar at Poker Flat, Alaska.
Profiles of electron density 30min average with MF radar at Wakkanai, Japan.
Profiles of electron density 30min average with MF radar at Yamagawa, Japan.
Profiles of electron density 4hour average with MF radar at Poker Flat, Alaska.
Profiles of electron density 4hour average with MF radar at Wakkanai, Japan.
Profiles of electron density 4hour average with MF radar at Yamagawa, Japan.
Profiles of electron density with MF radar at Poker Flat, Alaska.
Profiles of electron density with MF radar at Wakkanai, Japan.
Profiles of electron density with MF radar at Yamagawa, Japan.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds 1day average with MF radar at Poker Flat, Alaska.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds 1day average with MF radar at Wakkanai, Japan.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds 1day average with MF radar at Yamagawa, Japan.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds 30min average with MF radar at Poker Flat, Alaska.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds 30min average with MF radar at Poker Flat, Alaska.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds 30min average with MF radar at Wakkanai, Japan.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds 30min average with MF radar at Yamagawa, Japan.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds 4hour average with MF radar at Poker Flat, Alaska.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds 4hour average with MF radar at Wakkanai, Japan.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds 4hour average with MF radar at Yamagawa, Japan.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds with MF radar at Poker Flat, Alaska.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds with MF radar at Wakkanai, Japan.
Profiles of neutral atmosphere winds with MF radar at Yamagawa, Japan.
Time-height plot of eastward, northward and vertical winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the MF radar at Pameungpeuk (GIF format)
Wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the MF radar observations at Pameungpeuk (NetCDF format) 
Wind data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the MF radar observations at Pontianak (PNG format).
Wind data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the observation data of the MF radar at Pontianak (NetCDF format) 
Wind data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the observation data of the MF radar at Pontianak (text format)
Wind velocity obtained by MF radar at Tromsoe, Norway
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