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64Hz induction magnetometer data for Athabasca in CDF 

64Hz induction magnetometer data for Gakona in CDF 

64Hz induction magnetometer data for Husafell in CDF 

64Hz induction magnetometer data for Kapuskasing in CDF 

64Hz induction magnetometer data for Zhigansk in CDF 

Dynamic Spectra viewer data of 64Hz induction magnetometer data at All Stations (PNG format, Linear Scale) 

Dynamic Spectra viewer data of 64Hz induction magnetometer data at All Stations (PNG format, Logarithmic Scale) 

Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a 428nm filter at Tromso, Norway 

Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a 777nm filter at Tromso, Norway 

Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a 845nm filter at Tromso, Norway 

Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a N2 1P wide band filter at Tromso, Norway 

Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a RG665 filter at Gakona, Alaska (US) 

Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a RG665 filter at Kevo, Finland 

Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a RG665 filter at Sodankyla, Finland 

Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a RG665 filter at Tromso, Norway 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (Hbeta emission, 486.1nm, 30s) at Gakona 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (Hbeta emission, 486.1nm, 30s) at Kapuskasing 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (Hbeta emission, 486.1nm, 30s) at Nyrola 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (Hbeta emission, 486.1nm, 40s) at Athabasca 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (Na emission, 589.3nm, 15s) at Athabasca 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OH emission, 720.0-910.0nm, 1s) at Athabasca 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OH emission, 720.0-910.0nm, 1s) at Gakona 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OH emission, 720.0-910.0nm, 1s) at Gakona 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OH emission, 720.0-910.0nm, 1s) at Kapuskasing 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OI emission, 557.7nm, 15s) at Gakona 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OI emission, 557.7nm, 15s) at Kapuskasing 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OI emission, 557.7nm, 15s) at Nyrola 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OI emission, 557.7nm, 5s) at Athabasca 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OI emission, 630.0nm, 30s) at Athabasca 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OI emission, 630.0nm, 30s) at Gakona 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OI emission, 630.0nm, 30s) at Kapuskasing 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OI emission, 630.0nm, 30s) at Nyrola 

OMTI All-Sky Imager Quick-Look Data (OI emission, 844.6nm, 25s) at Athabasca 
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