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10cm refractor full-disk solar photospheric images
10cm refractor full-disk solar photospheric images in JPEG format
Ca II K full-disk spectroheliograms of prominences with photographic plates (level 0)
Ca II K full-disk spectroheliograms of prominences with photographic plates (level 1)
Ca II K full-disk spectroheliograms with photographic plates (level 0)
Ca II K full-disk spectroheliograms with photographic plates (level 1)
DST/H-alpha multi-wavelength partial solar images with the KODAK CCD
DST/H-alpha partial solar quick-look images 
DST solar spectrum data with spectrographs
DST Spectroheliograph quick-look images
FMT H-alpha full-disk solar images
FMT H-alpha full-disk solar images
FMT H-alpha movies of representative solar prominence eruptions and flares
Full stokes map taken with an infrared spectro-polarimeter of the Solar Flare Telescope #2
Full stokes map taken with an infrared spectro-polarimeter of the Solar Flare Telescope #2
Full stokes map taken with an infrared spectro-polarimeter of the Solar Flare Telescope #2
IPRT solar radio spectral data in VHF-band
Jupiter's/solar wide band spectral data in HF-band, Iitate Observatory
Jupiter's/solar wide band spectral data in HF-band (cdf format), Iitate Observatory
Jupiter's/solar wide band spectral data in HF-band (png format), Iitate Observatory
NAOJ Mitaka Auto Flare Patrol Telescope H-alpha full-disk solar images in JPEG format
Peru FMT H-alpha full-disk solar images
Quick-look images of Ca II K full-disk spectroheliograms of prominences with photographic plates (level 1)
Quick-look images of Ca II K full-disk spectroheliograms with photographic plates (level 1) 
Quick-look images of SMART/T2 full-disk solar photospheric magnetogram
Quick-look images of SMART/T3 H-alpha and continuum partial-region solar images 
Quick-look images of SMART/T3 H-alpha partial-region solar images 
Quick-look images of White-light full-disk spectroheliograms with photographic plates (level 1)
SFT/T1 H-alpha full-disk solar images
SFT/T1 H-alpha full-disk solar images in JPEG format
SMART/T1 H-alpha full-disk solar images
SMART/T1 H-alpha full-disk solar images in JPEG format 
SMART/T2 full-disk solar photospheric magnetogram
SMART/T3 H-alpha and continuum partial-region solar images
SMART/T3 H-alpha partial-region solar images
SMART H-alpha movies of representative solar prominence eruptions and flares
Solar radio spectral data in VHF-band obtained by IPRT (gif format)
White-light full-disk spectroheliograms with photographic plates (level 0)
White-light full-disk spectroheliograms with photographic plates (level 1)
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