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Field-aligned irregularity (FAI) observation data by a VHF radar in Indonesia (GIF format)
Horizontal wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor radar observations at Biak (GIF format)
Horizontal wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor radar observations at Biak (NetCDF format) 
Horizontal wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor radar observations at Kototabang (GIF format)
Horizontal wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor radar observations at Kototabang (NetCDF format) 
Horizontal wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor wind radar observations at Kototabang (text format)
Horizontal wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor wind radar observations at Serpong (GIF format)
Horizontal wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor wind radar observations at Serpong (NetCDF format) 
Horizontal wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor wind radar observations at Serpong (text format)
Horizontal wind data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor wind observation of the MU radar at Shigaraki (netCDF format) 
Horizontal wind data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor wind observation of the MU radar at Shigaraki (text format)
Horizontal wind data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the observation data of the meteor wind radar at Biak (text format)
Horizontal wind data in the middle-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor wind radar observations at Shigaraki (netCDF format) 
Horizontal wind data in the middle-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor wind radar observations at Shigaraki (text format)
Horizontal wind measured with Meteor radar in Svalbard, Norway.
Horizontal wind measured with Meteor radar in Tromsoe, Norway.
Horizontal wind measured with MF radar at Syowa Station, Antarctica.
Neutral wind data obtained by the Medium frequency (MF) radar at the EISCAT Tromso radar site
Neutral wind data obtained by the Meteor radar at the EISCAT Bjornoya site.
Observation data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere taken by the MF radar at Pameungpeuk (binary format)
Observation data of meteor traces in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere taken by the meteor wind radar at Kototabang (text format)
Observation data of meteor traces in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere taken by the meteor wind radar at Biak (text format)
OMTI Airglow Temperature Photometer (ATP) at Kototabang, Indonesia
OMTI Airglow Temperature Photometer (ATP) at Rikubetsu, Japan
OMTI Airglow Temperature Photometer (ATP) at Sata, Japan
OMTI Airglow Temperature Photometer (ATP) at Shigaraki, Japan
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Athabasca
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Darwin
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Haleakala
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Ithaca
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Kototabang
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Magadan
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Paratunka
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Resolute Bay
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Rikubetsu
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Sata
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Shigaraki
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Syowa
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Tromso
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Yonaguni
OMTI Fabry-Perot interferometer wind data (630-nm airglow) at Chiang Mai, Thailand
OMTI Fabry-Perot interferometer wind data (630-nm airglow) at Darwin, Australia
OMTI Fabry-Perot interferometer wind data (630-nm airglow) at Kototabang, Indonesia
OMTI Fabry-Perot interferometer wind data (630-nm airglow) at Shigaraki, Japan
OMTI Fabry-Perot interferometer wind data (630-nm aurora and airglow) at Tromsoe, Norway
Time-height plot of eastward, northward and vertical winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the MF radar at Pameungpeuk (GIF format)
Time-height plot of horizontal wind data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor wind observation of the MU radar at Shigaraki (gif format)
Time-height plot of horizontal wind data in the middle-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the meteor wind observations at Shigaraki (gif format)
Wind data in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the MF radar observations at Pameungpeuk (NetCDF format) 
Wind data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the MF radar observations at Pontianak (PNG format).
Wind data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the observation data of the MF radar at Pontianak (NetCDF format) 
Wind data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the observation data of the MF radar at Pontianak (text format)
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