UDAS web Available!
Rules of the Road
About Type-A
Instrument Type
Observed Region
ERG Campaign
ERG - Ground-Based Campaign in Mar-Apr 2017:
1: Husafell (Iceland)
2: Athabasca (Canada)
3: Tromso (Norway)
4: Tromso (Norway)
5: Gakona (Alaska)
6: Tromso (Norway)
7: Gakona (Alaska)
8: Tromso (Norway)
SMART (Telescope)
DST (Telescope)
FMT (Telescope)
Refractor (Telescope)
Muon (Telescope)
Geomagnetic Indicies
WDC Geomag., Kyoto
Geomag., Kakioka
All Sky Imager
BL Radar
EA Radar
LT Radar
MU Radar
MF Radar
MW Radar
WP Radar
X-Band Radar
GPS Receiver
VHF Radar
BL/LT/WP Radar
Set Detail
Contains Summary Plot
Analyzable Using UDAS-web
Search Results:
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Atmospheric molecule monitoring observation by infrared spectrometry at Rikubetsu, Japan
Atmospheric molecule observation by infrared spectrometry at Moshiri, Japan
Backscatter data taken by the ceilometer at Kototabang (GIF format)
Backscatter data taken by the ceilometer at Shigaraki MU Observatory (GIF format)
CHAMP full spectrum inversion (FSI) data (netCDF)
CHAMP full spectrum inversion (FSI) data (PNG)
COSMIC full spectrum inversion (FSI) data (netCDF)
COSMIC full spectrum inversion (FSI) data (PNG)
Global distribution of dry air temperature at 15 km derived from the COSMIC full spectrum inversion (FSI) data (PNG)
Global distribution of dry air temperature variance in a height range of 10 - 30 km derived from the COSMIC full spectrum inversion (FSI) data (PNG)
Observation data at 2.1 km height derived from CAPPI observation (GIF format)
Observation data of the equatorial lower troposphere taken by the boundary layer radar (BLR)-1 at Serpong (CSV format)
Observation data of the equatorial lower troposphere taken by the boundary layer radar (BLR)-2 at Kototabang (CSV format)
Observation data of the equatorial lower troposphere taken by the boundary layer radar (BLR)-3 at Kototabang (CSV format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the boundary layer radar (BLR)-1 at Serpong (GIF format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the boundary layer radar (BLR)-1 at Shigaraki (CSV format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the boundary layer radar (BLR)-1 at Shigaraki (GIF format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the boundary layer radar (BLR)-2 at Kototabang (GIF format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the boundary layer radar (BLR)-3 at Kototabang (GIF format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the lower troposphere radar (LTR) at Shigaraki (GIF format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the LTR at Shigaraki (CSV format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the transportable wind profiler (called LQ7) at Biak (CSV format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the transportable wind profiler (called LQ7) at Biak (GIF format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the transportable wind profiler (called LQ7) at Manado (CSV format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the transportable wind profiler (called LQ7) at Manado (GIF format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the transportable wind profiler (called LQ7) at Pontianak (CSV format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the transportable wind profiler (called LQ7) at Pontianak (GIF format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the transportable wind profiler (called LQ7) at Shigaraki (CSV format)
Observation data of the lower troposphere taken by the transportable wind profiler (called LQ7) at Shigaraki (GIF format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Bandung (CSV format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Bandung (netCDF format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Kototabang (CSV format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Kototabang (netCDF format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Pontianak (CSV format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Pontianak (netCDF format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Serpong (CSV format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Serpong (netCDF format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Shigaraki MU Observatory (CSV format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Shigaraki MU Observatory (text format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Shigaraki MU Observatory (tsv format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Uji (CSV format)
Observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at Uji (netCDF format)
Observation data of the troposphere and stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at the Darwin airport during Darwin Area Wave Experiment (DAWEX) (netCDF format)
Observation data of the troposphere and stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at the Darwin airport during Darwin Area Wave Experiment (DAWEX) (text format)
Observation data of the troposphere and stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at the Katherine civilian airport during Darwin Area Wave Experiment (DAWEX) (netCDF format)
Observation data of the troposphere and stratosphere taken by the radiosonde soundings at the Katherine civilian airport during Darwin Area Wave Experiment (DAWEX) (text format)
Observation data taken by 1.3GHz transportable wind profiler radar (called LQ4) at Koganei, Japan (binary format)
Observation data taken by 1.3GHz transportable wind profiler radar (called LQ4) at Koganei, Japan (TXT format)
Observation data taken by the visible all-sky camera at Kototabang (JPEG format)
Observation data taken by the visible all-sky camera at Shigaraki MU Observatory
Original PPI data observed by the X-band radar (GIF format)
Profiles of pressure, temperature, relative humidity, zonal and meridional wind data taken by radiosonde observation at Bandung (png format)
Profiles of pressure, temperature, relative humidity, zonal and meridional wind data taken by radiosonde observation at Kototabang (png format)
Profiles of pressure, temperature, relative humidity, zonal and meridional wind data taken by radiosonde observation at Pontianak (png format)
Profiles of pressure, temperature, relative humidity, zonal and meridional wind data taken by radiosonde observation at Serpong (png format)
Profiles of pressure, temperature, relative humidity, zonal and meridional wind data taken by radiosonde observation at Uji (png format)
Profiles of pressure, temperature, relative humidity, zonal and meridional wind data taken by radiosonde observation in the Shigaraki MU observatory (gif format)
Profiles of temperature, relative humidity, zonal and meridional wind data in the Darwin airport during Darwin Area Wave Experiment (DAWEX) (gif format)
Profiles of temperature, relative humidity, zonal and meridional wind data in the Katherine civilian airport observatory during Darwin Area Wave Experiment (DAWEX) (gif format)
Profiles of temperature, relative humidity, zonal and meridional wind data in the Pirlangimpi (Garden Point) during Darwin Area Wave Experiment (DAWEX) (gif format)
Radiosonde data of the troposphere and the stratosphere at Pirlangimpi (Garden Point) site during the DAWEX (netCDF format)
Radiosonde data of the troposphere and the stratosphere at Pirlangimpi (Garden Point) site during the DAWEX (text format)
Standard observation data of the equatorial troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the EAR (CSV format)
Standard observation data of the equatorial troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the EAR (NetCDF format)
Standard observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the EAR (GIF format)
Standard observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the MU radar (CSV format)
Standard observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the MU radar (GIF format)
Standard observation data of the troposphere and lower stratosphere taken by the MU radar (NetCDF format)
Surface meteorological data at Biak (CSV format)
Surface meteorological data at Shigaraki MU Observatory (CSV format)
Time-height plot of wind and temperature data in the troposphere estimated from the RASS (Radio Acoustic Sounding System) observation of the MU radar at Shigaraki (GIF format)
Wind and temperature data in the troposphere estimated from the RASS (Radio Acoustic Sounding System) observation of the MU radar at Shigaraki (CSV format)
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