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ERG - Ground-Based Campaign in Mar-Apr 2017

4: Tromso (Norway)

All-sky auroral image taken by the Color Digital SLR Camera at Tromso, Norway. 
Basic parameters obtained by EISCAT Tromso UHF radar 
Basic parameters obtained by EISCAT Tromso VHF radar 
EISCAT UHF 1min ascii data
EISCAT UHF 2min ascii data
EISCAT UHF 5min ascii data
EISCAT VHF 1min ascii data
EISCAT VHF 2min ascii data
EISCAT VHF 5min ascii data
Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a 428nm filter at Tromso, Norway 
Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a 777nm filter at Tromso, Norway 
Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a 845nm filter at Tromso, Norway 
Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a N2 1P wide band filter at Tromso, Norway 
Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the all-sky EMCCD imager with a RG665 filter at Tromso, Norway 
Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the white-light all-sky imager at Tromso
Keogram data derived from auroral images taken by the white-light narrow-field-of-view imager at Tromso
Movie in WMV or mp4 format derived from auroral images taken by the white-light all-sky imager at Tromso
Movie in WMV or mp4 format derived from auroral images taken by the white-light narrow-field-of-view imager at Tromso
Neutral wind data obtained by the Medium frequency (MF) radar at the EISCAT Tromso radar site
OMTI All-Sky Imager Data taken alternately with various filters at Tromso
Quick look movie of ISEE digital camera imager at Tromso
Quick look plot of ISEE digital camera imager at Tromso
Quick look plot of ISEE photometer at Tromso
Realtime quicklook images taken by the all-sky imager at Tromso, Norway 
Summary plot of ISEE photometer at Tromso
Summary plot of ISEE proton imager at Tromso
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